The 4th international conference on innovative research in applied science, engineering and technology - iraset’2024

Sciences de l’ingénieur
Date: 16/05/2024 08:00 - 17/05/2024 20:00

Lieu: FSDM, Fès

The International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (IRASET) focusing on the latest researches, developments, advances and new technologies in the fields of Computer Science, Information Technology, Signal Processing, Emerging Technologies, Wireless Communications, Smart Grid and Green Communications. The conference aims to disseminate novel ideas and emerging trends, research results and practical achievements. Original and high quality contributions are solicited, including theories, applications and experiments. The IRASET is an opportunity to network, build up partnerships and exchange ideas with a variety of experienced researchers, developers and practitioners from several universities, research institutes, and academia.


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