
Sciences de l’ingénieur
Date: 03/10/2019 - 04/10/2019

Lieu: Rabat, Maroc  |  Ville: Rabat, Maroc

ICSSD’19 has set the goal to combine data and information science technologies and techniques in theoretical and practical applications, while allowing a constructive exchange around the key issues of data science.

Contributions describing data science techniques applied to real-world problems and interdisciplinary research involving data science and Smart Systems, experimental and/or theoretical studies yielding new insights into the design of novel approaches are very welcomed. In addition, papers describing development of new analytical frameworks that advance practical data science methods and smart systems technologies are especially encouraged. Workshops and tutorials labs in data science and smart systems areas are welcomed to submit their proposals.


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ESI, Avenue ALLAlL EL Fassi, El Irfane
ESI, Avenue ALLAlL EL Fassi, Maroc

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