The 2nd general assembly for the african seismological commission

Sciences exactes et naturelles
Dates: 23/04/2018 09:00 - 25/04/2018 18:00

Lieu: Faculty of Sciences and techniques of AL Hoceima  |  Ville: Al Hoceïma, Maroc

The University Mohammed the First, the Faculty of Sciences and techniques of AL Hoceima, Morocco, organizes the 2nd General Assembly for the African Seismological Commission (2AfSC2018). This General Assembly is an interdisciplinary platform for researchers interested in seismological studies within Africa to promote a multi-sectoral and collaborative scientific sessions ranging from seismic monitoring, seismotectonics and, seismic hazard to education and outreach. Researchers are invited to submit their abstracts or complete papers in English. Papers will be presented in different oral and poster sessions.


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Avenue Mohamed V
Al Hoceïma, Maroc


Toutes les Dates

  • 23/04/2018 09:00

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